Who Is My Neighbor? Saturday Morning Discussion Series, 1st Saturdays 9-12 from October - December. As congregations address the demands created by the changing demographics of their communities and the gospel mandate to reach all people, this series invites both lay and clergy to be stimulated by a presentation and then participate in peer learning. Venue: Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church Washington Telephone: 202-403-0962 Event Type: Community - Panel Discussion / Forum Date Range: Starts: 10/02/10Ends: 12/03/10 Schedule: 1st Sat: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Event Cost: $20 via: http://washington.dc.eventguide.com/events/e506250.htm
Introducing the members of Christ’s Body in Washington, DC to one another, facilitating cooperation in ministry and promoting mutual love among those who worship in all the diverse churches of this area. The Holy Spirit is using God's people and churches to glorify the Lord and to demonstrate His love through service, so that people will believe that God has sent Jesus into the world, and has also loved them even as He has loved His Son (John 17). Twitter.com/TheChurchinDC