“How Do We Do Advent?” - Ecumenical Fellowship and Discussion at Howard Divinity School, 1400 Shepherd St. NE. Saturday, December 4, 11am-2pm. Lunch will be provided. The Student Board of the Washington Theological Consortium (aka the DC Area's graduate theological programs) invites you to a time of ecumenical sharing and discussion. The topic: Advent. How do we honor this sacred season within our Christian denominations? What Advent traditions do we bring from our churches, our cultures, and our families? What can we learn from one another? Come to listen, come to share.
Introducing the members of Christ’s Body in Washington, DC to one another, facilitating cooperation in ministry and promoting mutual love among those who worship in all the diverse churches of this area. The Holy Spirit is using God's people and churches to glorify the Lord and to demonstrate His love through service, so that people will believe that God has sent Jesus into the world, and has also loved them even as He has loved His Son (John 17). Twitter.com/TheChurchinDC