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Showing posts from August, 2011

Columbia Heights Day/DC State Fair - Update: Cancelled

Soo... About that hurricane missing DC.  Maybe not.  Sadly, Columbia Heights Day is cancelled.  Stay safe and dry, and watch out for those who might not be. August 27, Harriet Tubman Elementary School, 11th & Kenyon NW, from 10am-6pm RAIN OR SHINE! (The hurricane is missing DC, so what do we have to complain about, right?)   Columbia Heights Day , including the awesome contests brought to you by the DC State Fair  is bringing the neighborhood together tomorrow, Saturday, August 27. The day, drawing inspiration from neighboring Adams Morgan's own awesome day , Columbia Heights Day will bring the neighborhood together tomorrow. Naturally, the Church is in on it, with Grace Meridian Hill coming back to Tubman a week after doing improvement projects  to contribute a photo booth (like last year ), Church of the Advent  providing refreshments, and The District Church  and several others without website links on hand for encouragement. En...

Q Gathering, Washington, DC April 2012

"Q" is an organization dedicated to the Christian vision of restored and redeemed human culture. The founder, Gabe Lyons, is the author of unChristian, and more recently, The Next Christians. Q hosts a website  that collates ideas about how the Church can serve the world around us and make it look more like the kingdom of God. Q's next big gathering will be in DC, April 23-25 of next year.  They get props for distinguishing in their literature between "official Washington" and the lively and wonderful District. And of course they get bigger props for believing in the power of the Holy Spirit and the significance of the Gospel. If you're interested in helping them get set up in DC or in attending the conference, check out the event site at 

Silver Spring Gospel Concert August 20