As Outreach Coordinator at The District Church (TDC), I've helped develop an Advent Conspiracy Campaign for our church community that I'd like to invite you to be a part of - either with us or with your own community, and your own version of this! TDC is participating in the nationwide Advent Conspiracy campaign, along with churches all over the country, but we've changed the details of the campaign to fit the vision God has put on our heart's for our church and our neighborgood. The purpose of the Advent Conspiracy campaign is to help the Church live into the true story of Christmas by worshiping fully, spending less, giving more, and loving all. (Check out this awesome video and the Advent Conspiracy website to learn more) So this Christmas season, we are spending less on meaningless gifts and are instead redirecting our money to those who really need it. And we are focusing on spending more thoughtful time with loved ones, instead of spending money on a gift the...
Introducing the members of Christ’s Body in Washington, DC to one another, facilitating cooperation in ministry and promoting mutual love among those who worship in all the diverse churches of this area. The Holy Spirit is using God's people and churches to glorify the Lord and to demonstrate His love through service, so that people will believe that God has sent Jesus into the world, and has also loved them even as He has loved His Son (John 17).