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Showing posts from February, 2012

Gospel Choir Concert and Luncheon to benefit Youth Club is THIS Saturday

Don't forget that this Saturday, February 25th, is the Gospel Choir Luncheon and Concert to benefit the Youth Club in Columbia Heights! Half of the proceeds from the concert will go to the Youth Club, so this is an important fundrasier that will help the Youth Club continue to get off the ground! It should also be a really fun event, so come out if you can! It will be at the Columbia Heights Youth Club (1480 Girard St, NW), and will be hosted by God's Miracles , a local gospel choir. You can buy your tickets here . Blythe Scott Leadership Resident and Outreach Director, The District Church

Ash Wednesday Service tomorrow!

The District Church, Church of the Advent, and National Baptist Memorial Church invite you to join us for our Ash Wednesday service tomorrow, February 22nd, at 7pm! The service will be held at National Baptist Memorial Church (1501 Columbia Rd NW). I apologize for the short notice, but if you're in the area we would love for you to join us as we enter into this season of remembering Christ's sacrifice. Blythe Scott Leadership Resident and Outreach Director, The District Church

International AIDS Conference

This summer, the International AIDS Conference will be held in Washington, DC, July 22-27. This is a pretty big deal, as President Obama just lifted the travel ban that has been in place for the past 22 years that has barred those who are HIV+ from traveling into the States, allowing the conference to be held in the U.S. for the first time since the travel ban was put in place. Upwards of 30,000 are expected to descend on D.C. for the conference, with people from every sector of society present to discuss every aspect of the AIDS crisis. Sadly, for the most part, the American Church has been noticeably absent from this conference for most of its existence - and from the broader discussion around AIDS in general (there are definitely exceptions, but this generally has not been an issue of focus in many churches around the U.S.). The American Church has been mostly silent from the conversation, and more importantly from loving our HIV+ neighbors, for far too long, and the fact that the ...

Ash Wednesday Services 2/22

The tradition of the three-congregation joint Ash Wednesday service in Columbia Heights will continue this year, Wednesday at 7pm at National Baptist Memorial Church , 1501 Columbia Rd. NW.  Nearby Congregations Church of the Advent and The District Church will participate.  All are invited. For Catholics downtown, note the seven imposition of ash masses and two Stations of the Cross services at St. Matthews Cathedral , 1725 Rhode Island Ave.

Q 2012 coming to DC

The Q Conference is coming to DC this year, which is exciting for the Church in DC! It will give us a chance to discuss the issues that affect our city, as well as learn from some of the most brilliant and innovative thinkers of our day how to address some of these issues. If you're not familiar with Q, check out their website: Q does awesome work creating dialogue around the Church's role in culture today and in the future, providing a space for discussions that don't happen many other places. As their website says: Q is a space where church and cultural leaders can learn, dialogue, innovate and collaborate around the important topics shaping the church’s future role in culture. In an intense, fifty-hour experience, Q exposes participants to over thirty presenters on myriad topics. Talkback sessions follow presentations and allow for questions, comments, and responses in a more intimate setting. Our method of learning ...

School of Prayerful Action, Shalem Institute, Feb. 16-Mar 29

The Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation  is hosting a School of Prayerful Action, beginning next Thursday.  For more information, see SCHOOL OF PRAYERFUL ACTION - Participating in God's Dream for Peace & Justice God has shown you what is good and what is required of you: 
To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
— Micah 6:8  Dates: 6 Thursdays: February 16 - March 29, 2012 (no session March 15) Time: 7:00-9:00 PM Description:  See below. Place: Shalem Library, 3025 4th St. NE #22, WDC  Leaders: Patience Robbins Cost: $90 pre-registration; $105 at the door for the 6-week segment $50 student rate; Limited number of discounts available for full-time students: call Shalem to register.  Registration: Click here to reg...

C.S. Lewis Institute Discipleship Fellows Program

From the C.S. Lewis Institute.  The program has Annapolis, District, Maryland suburbs, and Virginia suburbs meeting sites. "We are now accepting applications for the  C.S. Lewis Institute Fellows Program  and will continue to do so until April 30. If you know of anyone who might be interested in participating in the Program, please forward this email to them and encourage them to check it out.   Currently programs are offered in the metro areas of Washington, D.C., Atlanta, GA, Annapolis, MD, and Seatle, WA. Other cities to be added in the future.   Many thanks for your help!   Every blessing,     Joel S. Woodruff Vice President of Discipleship & Outreach C.S. Lewis Institute" Program Description:  The C.S. Lewis Fellows Program is designed for believers who have a solid faith in Christ and want to: grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ; be more credible and effective for Christ in the Church and the world; activ...