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Showing posts from November, 2012

Missio Alliance Meeting April 2013

It's not too early to register ($135 before January 15, $165 before March 15, $185 thereafter) for the Missio Alliance  gathering April 11-13, 2013 at Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, VA. Exploring the shape of a missional encounter with this new context calls for asking fresh questions and engaging in dialogue about topics as fundamental as the gospel, humanity, Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and the Kingdom of God ; all framed around the role of the Church in relationship to God’s mission in the world. For this inaugural conference, we’ve invited a diverse and compelling group of practitioners, theologians, and missiologists to speak and facilitate dialogue around these and a wide array of related issues.  This conference is just the beginning of what we hope to see God do through the Missio Alliance in years to come. We look forward to joining with all fellow travelers! -- John Marienau Turpin

Google+ concert and hang out to learn more about foster care and adoption

November is National Adoption Month , and is a good chance for the Church to learn more about God's heart for the fatherless and how He is calling us to make sure all children have families. Here in DC there is much need for the Church to take action around the foster care system, and there will opportunities for us to partner together on some things in the coming months. There is a chance coming up soon though to learn more about God's heart for adoption and what the Church is doing nationwide to address this issue. The Jason Yost Band and New Rhythm, along with  ADOPTION JOURNEy AND CAFO PRESENTS,  will be hosting a  Google+ hang-out and concert this Sunday, November 18th.  Jason and Shelly Yost, who attend National Community Church here in DC, started New Rhythm, a foster care and adoption non-profit, and are doing awesome work to raise awareness and mobilize believers to love the fatherless. If you're interested in learning more about foster ca...

Columbia Heights Tree Lighting Extravaganza

Join The District Church on December 1st for the Columbia Heights Tree Lighting Extravaganza at the Columbia Heights plaza! We are going to be lighting a pretty enormous tree and celebrating the Christmas season! There will be food, singing, and other festivities, so come out and join us! And if you or your church would like to partner with us in helping put on the event, there are plenty of ways for you to be inovlved-  just contact me! You can read more about the event and "like" the page here: Also, after the Tree Lighting Extravaganza, Collaborate to Impact will be hosting Charity Happy Holiday Hours , where four area restaurants will be serving holiday drinks to benefit local organizations. You can read more about the Charity Happy Holiday Hour fundraiser and buy tickets at -- Blythe Scott Coordinator of City Partnerships,  The District Church Blythe@districtchurch.or...

Kids' Konnection/Sidewalk Sunday School Stocking Stuffers for Anacostia

Help bring Christmas cheer to Anacostia's kids! Donate Christmas stocking stuffers today! Kids' Konnection , located in Anacostia, ministers to nearly 1,500 kids each week in DC's toughest neighborhoods through its traveling Sidewalk Sunday School program. This Christmas season Kids' Konnection will be distributing 1,500 stockings to its Sidewalk Sunday School kids. Join us in helping make the Christmas of a Kids' Konnection child by donating stocking stuffers! To donate, just pick either the boy or girl list and go shopping! No need to buy everything on the list...just get enough to fill a stocking. Please spend no more than $50 per stocking. The women of COSC , WCF and Church of the Resurrection will be sewing and stuffing the stockings. Please make donations  no later than Sunday, December 9th. Email Erica for further details at . We hope you will join in this multi-church effort to bless the ki...

Mysterious Prison Film Screening November 20

Mysterious Prison , an independent film about homelessness in DC is showing on Tuesday, November 20 at the E St. Cinema at 7 pm. The film, by William D. Ashton, was produced with help from Central Union Mission and many homeless individuals throughout DC. The showing is free, and donations for Central Union Mission will be accepted. Register at -- John Marienau Turpin TCDC