"I came into Central Union Mission in January 2011 a broken man. I was 24 years old, confused, frustrated and lost. I had left my home in South Carolina looking to escape a lifestyle of drug addiction and violence. When I came to DC, I had nowhere to go. I ran into a lady who gave me the homeless shelter hotline, who then referred me to Central Union Mission. After arriving here a supervisor named Kevin Wright told me about a Spiritual Transformation Program and what it did for him. That night I prayed on it, and the next day I joined the STP. My life has never been the same. "Here I learned I don't have to be high to enjoy life. I have experienced what it's like to have people genuinely care about me and my past and what I'm going through. God has shown me His riches, His mercy and His son Christ Jesus through Central Union Mission. During my time here I have become a new creature as stated in 2 Cor. 5:17: "If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has c...
Introducing the members of Christ’s Body in Washington, DC to one another, facilitating cooperation in ministry and promoting mutual love among those who worship in all the diverse churches of this area. The Holy Spirit is using God's people and churches to glorify the Lord and to demonstrate His love through service, so that people will believe that God has sent Jesus into the world, and has also loved them even as He has loved His Son (John 17). Twitter.com/TheChurchinDC