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Haitian Churches in the DC Area

The U.S. cities most known for their Haitian immigrant communities are New Orleans, New York, Miami, and Boston (See Haitian ministries here or Creole church search here), but the Washington area also has a strong Haitian contingent. Feel free to add to the list below if I missed a Haitian church community. If you want to get to know your Haitian neighbors, contact one of these churches! In no particular order...

First Haitian Evangelical Church of Maryland
2601 Powder Mill Rd Adelphi, MD, 20783-1143
Pastor: J-Enock Guerrier

Eglise Baptiste Du Calvaire
10002 Riggs Rd Adelphi MD 20783-1205
Pastor: Rev. Jean St. Ulme

Eglise Baptiste de La Foi
7500 Takoma Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912 (Takoma Community Center)
Pastor: Rev. Fritz Olivier

First Haitian Baptist Congregation
Columbia Rd NW, Washington DC 20009-4213 (At National Baptist Memorial)
Pastor: Rev. Israel Philogene

Horeb Haitian Company Seventh Day Adventist Church
2601 Powder Mill Rd Adelphi, MD, 20783-1143 (At 1st Haitian Evangelical)
Pastor: Arbentz A. Pierre-Antoine

L'Eglise Internationale de la Source de Vie, also known as the Living Water International Church of Maryland, is a Haitian community church that meets on Fridays (7:15pm) and on Sundays at 10:00am for worship at the Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring.
51 University Blvd E., Silver Spring MD 20901.

There is also a Creole Mass at 4:15 Sundays at Shrine of the Sacred Heart
3211 Sacred Heart Way NW (16th St. & Park Rd. in Columbia Heights)
Pastor: Fr. Arsene Jasmin


  1. There is also a French-speaking Protestant church meeting at Wesley Seminary on Sundays from 10:30 to 1pm. The group meets in the Elderdice building while the chapel is being renovated.

  2. DC Baptist Convention has an expanded list of congregations with significant Haitian contingents. See their list at

  3. L'Eglise Internationale de la Source de Vie is a Haitian community church that meets on Fridays (7:15pm) and on Sundays at 10:00am for worship at the Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring. The address is: 51 University Blvd E., Silver Spring MD 20901. Please contact us at 301-498-1323 for more information. (The Living Water Int'l Church of Maryland)

  4. L'Eglise Internationale de la Source de Vie, also known as the Living Water International Church of Maryland, is a Haitian community church that meets on Fridays (7:15pm) and on Sundays at 10:00am for worship at the Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring. The address is: 51 University Blvd E., Silver Spring MD 20901. Please contact us at 301-498-1323 for more information or visit us online at:

  5. L'Eglise Internationale de la Source de Vie, also known as the Living Water International Church of Maryland, is a Haitian community church pastored by the Rev. Enock Guerrier that meets on Sundays (10:00am) for worship and on Fridays at 7:15pm for prayer & Bible studies at the Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring. The address is: 51 University Blvd E., Silver Spring MD 20901. Please contact us at 301-498-1323 for more information or visit us online at:
    Pastor: Rev. Enock Guerrier
    Phone: 301-498-1323

  6. Hello John,

    Would you please add " L'Eglise de la Source de Vie aka the Living Water International Church" to the list of the Haitian churces in Maryland & Dc area? We are also a Haitian community church. Thanks for your good work. We appreciate it.

    Dieu te benisse! Merci.
    Eglise de la Source de Vie

  7. The Living Water Haitian Church of Maryland, also known as l'Eglise Internationale de la Source de Vie, and their pastor Rev. Enock Guerrier, invite you to their annual harvest ingathering service on Sunday March 27, 2011 at 9:30am at the Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring. For more information, please contact us at 301-498-1323 or visit us at:

    We look forward to seeing you.

    Thanks and God bless you!

    The Living Water Haitian Church of Maryland.

  8. Hi John,

    The Living Water Int'l Church of Maryland, also known as l'Eglise Internationale de la Source de Vie, invites all Haitians living in Maryland to participate in its annual convocation (Convocation 2011) from July 10 to July 17 at 7:00pm each night. The convention will be held at the Kennedy High School's auditorium (1901 Randolph Road, Silver Spring, MD 20902).

    We will have guests, friends and sister churches from all over the USA and Canada. There will be great music, preaching and fellowship. Please make every effort to attend. You won't regret.

    The Living Water Int'l Church is a Haitian Community church that meets every sunday at 10:00 am and Friday at 7:00 pm at the Montgomery Blair High High School. For more info visit us at

    God bless you!

    Thank you for your support to the Living Water international Church.

  9. There used to be (and maybe still is, but website is out of date) a Catholic Haitian Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows in Takoma Park, MD at 2pm on Sundays.

  10. need your help if someone feel he or she can help me please contact me at
    may God bless you

  11. Are there any Haitian churches in the Norther VA area? PLZ email me

  12. Hands Helping Healing Hands, IncNovember 26, 2013 at 12:58 PM Maryland non-profit is hosting a fundraising event to build 10 homes in Haiti in 2014. The event will be held on Friday, December 13, 2014. Please join us.

  13. The Living Water Haitian Church Annual Harvest 3/29/15 (9:00 AM - 2:30 PM) at 51 University Blvd E., Silver Spring, MD 20901.
    The Living Water Haitian Church (l'église Haitienne de la Source de Vie) invites you to join us in our annual feast of Harvest (fete de moisson). We'll have a great time together in the Lord. We'll be blessed with some guest artists and a guest preacher.
    Please visit the Living Water Church website at, or call us at 301-498-1323 for more information. God bless you!

    Dinner will be served at the end of the worship service.

  14. Just tried to call Eglise baptiste de la foi at number given here but it is a disconnected number. Does anyone know how to contact them

    1. HI
      I just found this post and want to let you know you can fo=ind more info about Elise baptiste de la Foi on this website:

    2. Thanks! I updated the main page with the website and the Takoma Park address.


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