This weekend, as part of the Fairfax, VA city "Spotlight on the Arts", Truro Church is hosting the First Annual Spring Arts Festival.
One of the highlights of the event will be actor Bruce Kuhn's dramatic presentation tonight (Friday 4/30) at 8pm of "Tales of Tolstoy". Suggested donations $15, $10 for children.
Kuhn, like the more famous (as far as I know) Max Mclean (who has done Broadway performances of The Screwtape Letters and The Gospel of Mark with the Fellowship for the Performing Arts) is part of a movement urging the church to rediscover the sense of drama in Scripture. Kuhn also does dramatic performances of Luke and Acts, as well as The Cotton Patch Gospel. On Saturday, he gives a "Word by Heart" training.
Word by Heart training is described on Kuhn's website thusly:
"Using the tools of an actor and exegete, students imaginatively see what those eyewitnesses saw and say what they meant. If successful, what we ‘see’ will spark honest emotion and rich, subtle communication. This is not ‘pretending’ in the way most people think of an actor playing a role. Students will play themselves as if they had witnessed the event. They will tell of it in their natural voice, using the exact words of scripture from memory. The process applies to all storytelling. The goal is truth-full, technique-free relating of experience that gently compels an audience."
Other events include an art show, concert stage, and artisan marketplace.
Sound fun? See the art show website at, or just show up. The Truro church building is located at
10520 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22030
One of the highlights of the event will be actor Bruce Kuhn's dramatic presentation tonight (Friday 4/30) at 8pm of "Tales of Tolstoy". Suggested donations $15, $10 for children.
Kuhn, like the more famous (as far as I know) Max Mclean (who has done Broadway performances of The Screwtape Letters and The Gospel of Mark with the Fellowship for the Performing Arts) is part of a movement urging the church to rediscover the sense of drama in Scripture. Kuhn also does dramatic performances of Luke and Acts, as well as The Cotton Patch Gospel. On Saturday, he gives a "Word by Heart" training.
Word by Heart training is described on Kuhn's website thusly:
"Using the tools of an actor and exegete, students imaginatively see what those eyewitnesses saw and say what they meant. If successful, what we ‘see’ will spark honest emotion and rich, subtle communication. This is not ‘pretending’ in the way most people think of an actor playing a role. Students will play themselves as if they had witnessed the event. They will tell of it in their natural voice, using the exact words of scripture from memory. The process applies to all storytelling. The goal is truth-full, technique-free relating of experience that gently compels an audience."
Other events include an art show, concert stage, and artisan marketplace.
Sound fun? See the art show website at, or just show up. The Truro church building is located at
10520 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22030
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