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Showing posts from 2011

Join the Conspiracy

As Outreach Coordinator at The District Church (TDC), I've helped develop an Advent Conspiracy Campaign for our church community that I'd like to invite you to be a part of - either with us or with your own community, and your own version of this! TDC is participating in the nationwide Advent Conspiracy campaign, along with churches all over the country, but we've changed the details of the campaign to fit the vision God has put on our heart's for our church and our neighborgood. The purpose of the Advent Conspiracy campaign is to help the Church live into the true story of Christmas by worshiping fully, spending less, giving more, and loving all. (Check out this awesome video and the Advent Conspiracy website to learn more) So this Christmas season, we are spending less on meaningless gifts and are instead redirecting our money to those who really need it. And we are focusing on spending more thoughtful time with loved ones, instead of spending money on a gift the...

DC Church History Interlude: Wayland Seminary

Q: What do Judiciary Square, I St., Louisiana Avenue, and Meridian Hill have in common? A: They were all meeting places for Wayland Seminary, the Washington branch of the American Baptist Home Mission Society's National Theological Institute. Immediately after the Civil War and Emancipation, a $1,500 grant from the Freedman's Bureau allowed NTI to form Wayland Seminary. The school was named after Dr. Francis Wayland, a former president of Brown University and anti-slavery leader and operated as center for education in Christian leadership in the District.  Classes began in 1876.  In 1899, Wayland merged with Richmond Theological Seminary, Hartshorn Memorial Women's College, and Storer University to form what is now Virginia Union University . Though classes only ran for 23 years, Wayland enjoyed success under president George Mellen Prentiss King in attracting students eager to take advantage of their new freedom to learn and to serve.  Wayland was Booker T...

Kids Konnection Christmas Pageant, Dec. 21

Kids Konnection /Sidewalk Sunday School is a multifaceted ministry to young people in public housing  spaces in the District.  You are invited to the... Kids Konnection  Annual Christmas Pageant "I Hear The Bells" Wednesday December 21, 2011, 7:00 PM  1300 Good Hope Rd SE Washington, DC 20020  The Kids Konnection Choir will be presenting their annual Christmas Pageant.  This event brings parents, the community and special partners together to celebrate Christmas in song and dance. This year the Pageant "I Hear the Bells" will present special dances Break Through and Northeast Performing Arts, and Youth of Tomorrow African Dancers. Special gifts will be given to all that attend. This will be an event that will be long remembered. Please contact us if you need more information or directions.  202-563-1720 

Clergy/Business Employment Forum, Dec. 7, 9-11 AM

There will be an employment summit from 9-11 AM at Israel Baptist Church, 1261 Saratoga Ave. NE.  THe summit is sponsored by The Jobs Coalition, D.C. Chamber of Commerce, and Wednesday Clergy Fellowship.  Representatives from various business industries will be on hand to present and dialogue about the employment picture in the D.C. metropolitan area.  Please call 2-2-291-5711 to register and attend. via

DC Area Churches & Real Estate Development

A positive trend in the Church: using church property to provide housing to low-income neighbors.  This WP article highlights the work of Enterprise Community Partners in helping churches develop their properties.  Also see The Church at Clarendon . (Page slightly out of date). Article excerpt: “ Macedonia Baptist Church has been serving the Arlington, Va. community and Washington, D.C. region in excess of one hundred years. We firmly believe that our faith community should be an integral part of the broader community, and it is a part of our mission to serve beyond the walls of our sanctuary. As part of our comprehensive plan, we recently undertook the challenge of providing needed affordable housing within the Nauck community of Arlington. Along with several key partners, we successfully opened a 36-unit apartment building serving low- and moderate-income residents, with five units reserved for Arlington County Supportive Housing mentally and physically disabled resid...

Help Provide Thanksgiving Baskets - 2011

Partial repost - 2010 version found here. Care Company is completing their Thanksgiving drive offline. They, as they should, will be making appeals for care for the needy around Christmas time also. - - -  When Nabal refused to feed David and his men in 1 Samuel 25, in spite of their help for him, the insult was all the greater because it occurred at a feast time, when landowners and the wealthy were under obligation to feed the poor. So with Nabal's fortunes in mind, we can think of these events as more than just opportunities to serve. In the words of  Capitol Hill Group Ministries , "Remember that your generosity means there are more families seated at the Thanksgiving table." Let there be much Thanksgiving! Capitol Hill Group Ministry   Given the recent increasing trend over the past few years CHGM estimates that this year’s demand will come in close to 440 baskets! A Thanksgiving Day Basket typically costs around $50 and feeds a family of...

Columbia Heights Youth Fundraiser - Robbie Seay Band & Sandra McCracken

November 19 @ 7pm Christ our Shepherd Church , 801 North Carolina Ave., SE Proceeds go to benefit the Columbia Heights Neighborhood Youth Group . Get your tickets here .

Council of Churches of Greater Washington - Sundays Nov. 6 & 20

CCGW Fall Assembly, November 6, 2011 Sunday, November 6, at 3 p.m. at historic St. Aloysius Church . Mayor Vincent Gray is the invited guest to speak. All are welcomed to attend this free event. St. Aloysius Church is located at 19 "I" Street NW ("I" Street NW and North Capital Street). Refreshments will be available following the Assembly.  Washington Area Jobs Initiative Sunday, November 20, at 2 p.m. at National City Christian Church . A jobs program meeting of the Council of Churches of Greater Washington. All are invited. The council will introduce an innovative program to help people get jobs, a program to be supported by churches, business, foundations, union, and the government.

Multi-Church Prayer for the City, 10/29, 7pm

Please join our sisters and brothers for a multi-church time of worship and prayer for our city. The event will be hosted at Christ our Shepherd Church (801 N. Carolina Ave. SE) on Saturday, October 29 from 7 to 9pm. Childcare will be provided. Look forward to praying with you there for the many needs of our city and in celebration of the good work that God has already begun.

Columbia Heights Neighborhood Youth Club - New Collaborative Youth Group

Yet another youth group bringing a community and its churches together for the glory of God! This time, it's in Columbia Heights/Cardozo. The Neighborhood Youth Club is a partnership between Grace Meridian Hill , Park Rd. Community Church , The District Church , and Columbia Heights Youth Club . Their meetings will be at the Columbia Heights Community Center at Girard & 14th Sts. It's about the kids. It's about relationships. It's about Jesus. It's about building community for and with our younger neighbors. It's about caring for spiritual needs (embracing and growing in the gospel). It's about caring for all-of-life needs (tutoring, life skills, sports, food). Neighborhood Youth Club is seeking adults and older youth to help connect with the middle & high school kids, pray for them, and support the organization. Talk to one of the churches if you're interested. We're beginning to see a godly trend here: We have local churches collab...

Prayer Night October 15th (to 16th!)

Care Company invites congregations and Christians from all over the DC area to a night of prayer for the youth of DC. Date: October 15-October 16th Time: 10pm-6am (yes, all night - but you can come and go as you desire) Focus: The Porch/The next generation in DC Location: Washington Community Fellowship, 907 Maryland Ave. NE If arriving late/in the middle of the night, call: (202) 422-7032

Help The Homeless Walkathon November 19

Time to start drumming up support in your church for the Help The Homeless Walkathon on Saturday, November 19, 2011. And take a few minutes to check out the many good organizations serving our brothers and sisters in need in the DC area by looking at the fundraising beneficiary list . If you run a service organization and want to become a beneficiary through the Help the Homeless Walkathon, see the details here . image via

Music This Weekend: Classical Piano by Thomas Pandolfi, October 9

Music This Weekend: Liberian History Cantata, October 8

For more information, visit Liberia Will Rise Again .

Ecclesia Network Gathering, March 2012

The Ecclesia Network   of churches, a church-planting and missional church support organization that serves churches nationwide (including two in the DC area), is hosting a meeting next March 5-7 in Chevy Chase. Featured speakers include John Perkins of the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) and children's ministry expert Dr. Ivy Beckwith.   The conference focus is how churches can function as centers of reconciliation. For more information, visit: The gathering will be hosted at the National 4-H Center www. 4hcenter .org 7100 Connecticut Avenue Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4934 (301) 961-2801

Columbia Heights Day/DC State Fair - Update: Cancelled

Soo... About that hurricane missing DC.  Maybe not.  Sadly, Columbia Heights Day is cancelled.  Stay safe and dry, and watch out for those who might not be. August 27, Harriet Tubman Elementary School, 11th & Kenyon NW, from 10am-6pm RAIN OR SHINE! (The hurricane is missing DC, so what do we have to complain about, right?)   Columbia Heights Day , including the awesome contests brought to you by the DC State Fair  is bringing the neighborhood together tomorrow, Saturday, August 27. The day, drawing inspiration from neighboring Adams Morgan's own awesome day , Columbia Heights Day will bring the neighborhood together tomorrow. Naturally, the Church is in on it, with Grace Meridian Hill coming back to Tubman a week after doing improvement projects  to contribute a photo booth (like last year ), Church of the Advent  providing refreshments, and The District Church  and several others without website links on hand for encouragement. En...

Q Gathering, Washington, DC April 2012

"Q" is an organization dedicated to the Christian vision of restored and redeemed human culture. The founder, Gabe Lyons, is the author of unChristian, and more recently, The Next Christians. Q hosts a website  that collates ideas about how the Church can serve the world around us and make it look more like the kingdom of God. Q's next big gathering will be in DC, April 23-25 of next year.  They get props for distinguishing in their literature between "official Washington" and the lively and wonderful District. And of course they get bigger props for believing in the power of the Holy Spirit and the significance of the Gospel. If you're interested in helping them get set up in DC or in attending the conference, check out the event site at 

Silver Spring Gospel Concert August 20

DC Area Health Care Professionals Breakfast, August 6

Gather with health care professionals and students from local churches for a hot breakfast, fellowship, teaching, and prayer. Dan Claire from the Church of the Resurrection will teach on “Getting a Second Opinion from the Great Physician,” drawing on his background in the medical sciences, with a focus on trusting and following God in all things. 9:30 am, Saturday, August 6,  Georgetown Baptist Church, 3101 N St NW, Washington, DC 20007 Sponsored by RenewDC, CCO Campus Ministry NW DC, and the Georgetown Baptist Church. For more information, contact   Jim Hagan

9/11 National Day of Service - Team Leaders Needed

From  Greater DC Cares . A good chance to help the city. Lead Volunteer Projects to  Honor the Victims, Survivors, and Heroes of September 11 Through Service. This September, HandsOn Greater DC Cares (HGDCC) will pay tribute to the victims, survivors, and heroes of 9/11 by engaging 10,000 volunteers in service to others across the region.  We need more than 100 talented volunteer leaders, however, to manage service projects! Friday, September 9  is a day of service for students and sponsors; Saturday, September 10  is a day of service for community volunteers. We still need Project Managers & Project Leaders for  both days . Sign up to lead service projects by clicking here! All new Project Managers & Leaders are required to attend a fast-paced, interactive training on Saturday, August 6 from 10am-1:30pm at our office--1156 15th St, NW.    This year's National Day of Service & Remembrance projects in...

Trauma Healing Seminar August 13, Baltimore

Healing Trauma Seminar An Elijah House Video Teaching Series Featuring Sandra Sellmer Kersten Saturday, August 13, 2011 So many people experience trauma every day. Trauma that sinks into the soul and causes core wounding that can affect a person's life far more than most are aware of. In this series, Sandra's heart is to do more than put band-aids on people who are bleeding to death emotionally. She believes that we all need to learn how to minister to trauma. These teachings focus on helping people overcome trauma and discover who God always intended for them to be. This is a one-day seminar in which we will be viewing a selection of videos, followed by a time of prayer for healing trauma. *Date: *Saturday, August 13, 2011 *Time:* 10:30 a.m. ˆ 4:30 p.m. *Place:* Venue TBD Baltimore, MD *Cost:* $20 (includes seminar guide); a freewill offering will also be collected on the day of the seminar *Registration deadline:* August 4, 2011 Register here: http://findinghomem inistries. o...

Lay Theological Education

It's too late for the info session, but the program doesn't start until the fall. If you are a Sunday School teacher, elder, deacon, or anyone interested in God, theology, and the Church, this is a great opportunity! This fall, there will be an opportunity to begin a lay theological education program at First Baptist, Education for Ministry (EfM). The four-year curriculum covers Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, and Theological Choices. The format is a weekly seminar that meets from September to June. The program utilizes academic study, theological reflection, and worship, which allow participants to grow theologically, as well as, learn what it means to be effective ministers in the world. There is an annual fee of $350.00 for materials and administration. An informational meeting will be held July 11 following worship in the Conference Room. If you have questions or want additional information, contact Ellen Parkhurst at 703.578.1862 or ....

Urban Hands Youth Week Aug. 7-13

"Come to UH if you want to know God, because you will see God reign in this trip!" - 10th grade male Urban Hands is an annual week-long camp for youth from different neighborhoods, schools, cultures, churches and denominations. Participants stay together at Washington Community Fellowship in NE. They spend their days acquainting themselves with ministry in the city and volunteering in all sorts of community service. Each morning and night, they gather to read scripture; reflect on God's love, justice and mercy; and pray on a life of discipleship to Christ. This year, Urban Hands will be from August 7-13, and Care Company is requesting volunteer hours from the body of Christ to make it a success. To sign up, click here . Most Needed Volunteer Positions: 1) Breakfast/Lunch Volunteers: (6:30-8:00 am) You would be responsible for setting out all of the breakfast food for breakfast starting and also preparing and packing all of the lunches for the youth to take to the...

Sad News - WTU to close

WTU To Conclude its Mission in 2013 Washington Theological Union, a Roman Catholic graduate school of theology and ministry in the District, announced that it does not have the financial resources to be able to continue offering its academic services to the Church and community beyond the 2012-2013 academic year. WTU will continue to operate its conference center and offer lectures and programs during this period of time. For more information, visit . For Washington Theological Consortium information, visit . via

PG Youth Groups Merge to Glorify God Together

First Baptist Church of Glenarden and Zion Church of Landover , have recently joined forces for youth ministry. As is often the case, the worship leader sums it up best: “Let’s salute the living Christ who rose on the third day.” See the article in the Post: ...and the new youth group's website:

The Other City Movie- HIV in Washington - June 25

“1 in 20 people has HIV in DC.  It’s time to get informed.” Saturday, June 25 @ Harriet Tubman Elementary School (3101 13th St NW) Doors open @ 7pm, Movie starts @ Sundown. Get free screening, free food (first 100 people), get information on DC organizations For more information about the film and to watch the trailer click  here . DC churches and medical organizations are banding together to present The Other City , a sobering film about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Washington. Come see what the story is on Saturday the 25th.

Pentecost Breakfast - Aisha Hussein's Story - June 25

During the season of Pentecost we are reminded of God’s love for all nations and cultures. He still speaks to us in our given language and draws us by His Holy Spirit to Himself. God created and loves diversity. He also reveals His diversity in each unique way He enters into a relationship with us. Come hear Aisha Hussain, a senior at George Mason University and campus DJ, share the unique way God called her to Himself. Aisha owns a Pakistani-Indo-Puerto-Rican-American background. She will be sharing her faith journey story from a Muslim family to trust in Jesus. Her story will convict and encourage you. Please invite friends from any background to attend. Breakfast will be served with a Question and Answer time following Aisha’s story. GBC has a full service kitchen so if you would like to help cook and serve breakfast, please come at 830am. Children are welcome. However no child care will be provided but a nursery/play room is located adjacent to the fellowship hall. If you have...

Baltimore - Washington DC Church Planting Study

A good review of church planting in the DC-BMore area came out this past February. The State of Church Planting in the Washington DC / Baltimore Corridor was led by Ron Johnson and published by Accelerate , a church-planting network working in partnership with the Exponential Network. The study recognizes difficulties in cataloging all non-English-speaking churches, churches without formal incorporation or traditional media advertising, and those still under the care of a planting church, but its results are extremely enlightening. Praise God for the hard work, and may the report be useful to you, dear reader, God's servant. Executive Summary Church planting churches, national and local networks, and denominations have planted at least 274 churches in the last five years in the Washington Baltimore metropolitan area. 92 of these churches (34%) are in non-English languages. 1. Church planting churches • 15 church planting churches have been identified (churches that hav...

Frederick Co. Convoy of Hope June 18

This Saturday! Frederick Fairgrounds - Gate 3 (off Monroe Ave.) Saturday June 18, 2011 - Beginning at 10:00am, until supplies last! FREDERICK COUNTY CONVOY OF HOPE WILL BE A HUGE COMPLETELY FREE CARNIVAL-LIKE EVENT FEATURING: * GROCERIES * JOB FAIR * FAMILY PORTRAITS * LIVE ENTERTAINMENT * PRIZES AND GIVE-A-WAYS * HOT LUNCH * HEALTH SCREENING * HUGE KIDS FAIR * INFLATABLE GAMES * AND MORE.. Don't forget the... All-Volunteer Rally Friday, June 17th at the Frederick Fairground Grandstands beginning at 7:00pm (Music begins at 6:30pm) For more information, call 240-575-1676 or visit

The Porch Community Youth Group Talent Show: Wed, Jun 15

COME CELEBRATE…   The Porch ’s SWAG   GOD met us this year, this is what we’ll REMEMEBER…… (I Sam 7:12) Community Event Wednesday, June 15 th from 7-9 p.m. at Washington Community Fellowship Church 907 Maryland Avenue NE, Washington, DC Come and enjoy talent, testimony and togetherness as the youth from The Porch share and REMEMBER how GOD has met them this year. It’s FREE, but a love offering will be taken (Please make checks payable to The Porch) The Porch makes disciples of Jesus Christ by providing a safe and welcoming space for the youth of Washington DC to know, receive, and respond to GOD’s message of love, hope and healing. For more information, or to learn how to get involved in the ministry, contact:

Grace and Race Ministries 3rd Anniversary, June 18

Update: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED         Grace and Race Third Anniversary Celebration: You’re Invited! Saturday, June 18, 2011 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM The Board of Directors of Grace and Race Ministries, Inc. and Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell, Founder and President cordially invite you to share in the Third Anniversary Celebration as we continue to strive to become Ambassadors of Racial Reconciliation Guests speakers will be: Rev. Dr. Valerie Bridgeman is an ordained preacher, professor, published poet, visual and performance artist, and jazz dancer. She is associate professor of Hebrew Bible/Homiletics & Worship at Lancaster Theological Seminary, and a scholar in theology and the arts. Dr. Bridgeman is the founding president and CEO for WomanPreach! Inc., and is a respected Womanist thinker around preaching, bible, and cultural criticism. She has been a lecturer and conference speaker across the country, most notably as the C. Gardner Taylor Lecturer for the ...

LaughingFlock/Food for Life May 21

The local Christian women's comedy troupe LaughingFlock is performing Saturday May 21 to benefit Food for Life : Food For Life is a culinary training opportunity for DC high school graduates who are unemployed and currently without educational/vocational options. Once a week, a small group enters a positive and supportive kitchen environment where they can learn professional culinary skills from trained chefs by preparing “gourmet takeout” for up to 50 people. Food For Life also aims to connect these young adults with life skills training as well as mentoring and discipleship relationships so that they are better equipped to pursue their life goals, inside and outside professional kitchens. The show will be hosted at Christ our Shepherd Church , 801 North Carolina Ave., SE, at 6:30 pm.  The menu for the evening, catered of course by Food for Life, will be a choice of: Mediterranean: Chicken, Hummus, and Yogurt Sauce, Pita bread, Lebanese Salad (olives, cucumber, cherry ...

June 4 - Neighborhood Violence and Reconciliation Workshop

How can Christians help foster reconciliation in neighborhoods plagued by violence? This question and many others will be explored at the “Neighborhood Violence and Reconciliation Workshop,” which will be held on Saturday, June 4 from 9:30 a.m. - noon. This workshop will be facilitated by Marinetta Cannito Hjort , an American University chaplain who has worked extensively in the area of peace and reconciliation in Italy and Mexico as well as the U.S. The workshop will be held at the Baptist Building, 1628 Sixteenth, Street NW Washington, D.C. For more information, please call 202.265.1526.

He is Risen Prayer Gathering, April 25

Care Company is hosting an inter-church prayer gathering on Monday April 25, from 7:30-9:00pm.  Come, Christians, come, to celebrate the Resurrection and pray for your neighbors.  Location: Christ our Shepherd Church, 801 North Carolina Ave., SE.  See for more information.

Today - Bakke Graduate University Open House

Dr. Lowell Bakke from Bakke Graduate University will be at Leland's Main Campus on Thursday, April 7 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. for an information session on their D.Min. program. Presentations about the program will be at 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. If you are interested in attending one of the sessions  RSVP to (include your name and which session you will attend). Click here to learn more about Bakke's D.Min.

Lenten Devotionals

As part of their Lenten Celebration, Church of the Resurrection has compiled Lenten Devotionals that start today, Ash Wednesday. These can be found on their website or you can sign up to receive them via email by using the link . This is a great way to focus our prayers during Lent.

Ash Wednesday

The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday , March 9. Lent began with the church tradition of having new converts--catechumens, or learners--prepare for their baptism in the season leading up to Easter, when they would be baptized. The practices of prayer, fasting, charity and scripture reading eventually caught on as already-baptized Christians realized the spiritual value of special time to preparing for the Resurrection and focus on spiritual disciplines. Not all churches celebrate Lent as an official season, but all approve of humbly preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ and of His Kingdom. The ashes that people get on their heads for Ash Wednesday are both a reminder of our mortality (and need for a Savior), and a symbol of repentance. Ash Wednesday services dot the city. Two of note include: 1) The seven heavily attended Ash Wednesday imposition of ash services at the Catholic St. Matthew's Cathedral , 1725 Rhode Island Ave. NW. 2) A three-church joint service at 7...

Frederick County, MD Convoy of Hope, June 18

Convoy of Hope, a community event organized by an international Christian non-profit and sponsored by local churches in cities from Manila to Frederick is coming to Frederick County Maryland on June 18. The event, at Frederick Fairgrounds, 797 E. Patrick St. Frederick, MD 21705, will be a combination carnival, job fair, food assistance location, concert, counseling center, etc.  It is designed to serve everyone in the Frederick community in some form or fashion.  Convoy of Hope is still looking for sponsor churches, businesses, local government and community organizations.  To get involved, please contact Matt Thompson at  For more information, visit

Seminary Open House - Answering the Call March 1

Are you interested in seminary or do you know someone who is? Make plans to attend the John Leland Center for Theological Studies' Open House on Tuesday, March 1 from 6:45-8:30 p.m. at the Baptist World Alliance in Falls Church, VA. Participants will learn about Leland's master's degree programs and options for non-degree seeking graduate students. Click here for more information or to RSVP . Visit online at via

DC area Haitian Ministry Workshop: "Crossing Cultures," March 5

Crossing Cultures Workshop The Crossing Cultures workshop, which was originally scheduled for January 22, will now take place on Saturday, March 5 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This workshop is designed for those interested in ministering internationally, particularly in Haiti. Topics will include: “The Country and People of Haiti,” “Community Life in Haiti,” “Religion in Haiti,” “Practical ‘How-Tos’ for Building Relationships with Haitians,” and “Cross-Cultural Ministry Guidelines.” The workshop will be held at the Baptist Building, 1628 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20009. A light lunch will be served. Please make reservations early. To register, click here . For DC-area Haitian churches, see: via

DC Baptist Women in Ministry Roundtable Feb. 28

Women in Ministry Roundtable To Meet The “Women in Ministry Roundtable” will meet at Clyde’s Restaurant, 707 7th Street, NW, Washington, D.C., on Monday, February 28 at noon . The Roundtable seeks to continue to strengthen partnerships with DCBC member churches and female clergy and to better support women in ministry by providing relevant programming, ministry resources, practical trainings and occasions for both fellowship and networking. For more information, contact Rev. Starlette McNeill at via

Teacher Trainings, Feb. 25-26

Training for Teachers and Leaders by the DC Baptist Convention (Open to all) There will be several training sessions for teachers and leaders of Sunday school, Bible study and Missions Education on Friday, February 25 and Saturday, February 26 . All classes will be held at First Baptist Church of Hyattsville, 5701 42nd Avenue, Hyattsville, Md. The schedule for these training sessions is as follows: Training for Directors and Superintendents Friday, February 25 7-9 p.m. led by Dr. Robert D. Cochran, Associate Executive Director, DCBC Training for Teachers of Adults Saturday, February 26 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. led by Pat Dunnavant, Clifton Park Baptist Church and Ellen Teague, WMU Executive Director, Baptist Women's Ministries Training for Teachers of Youth Saturday, February 26 1-3:30 p.m. led by Rev. Dub Pool, Heritage Baptist Church and Rev. Arlene Anderson, Youth Consultant, Baptist Women's Ministries Training for Teachers of Children & Preschoolers Sat...

DC Area Youth Leaders Gathering Feb. 28

Calling all youth leaders and workers! The Center for Ministerial Leadership’s Youth Ministry Initiative would like to hear from you.  Rev. Jevon Billups, Senior Pastor of the Holy Comforter Baptist Church , is hosting a D.C. Area Youth Leaders Interest Meeting on Monday, February 28, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.   The meeting will be held at the Johenning Baptist Community Center, 4025 Ninth Street, SE , Washington, D.C.  For more information and to register, please contact Rev. Starlette McNeill at 202.265.1526 ext. 209 or . via 

Washington Post: Regular prayer unites, uplifts church members from corners of Washington region

WP, 2/5/2011. By Hamil Harris "For about 110 years, preachers, deacons and ordinary men and women from 28 congregations across the area have come together at different locations on the second and fourth Fridays of each month and every federal holiday for prayer. James A. Roberts, chairman of the deacon board of the Shining Star Freewill Baptist Church in Seat Pleasant, serves as secretary of the group. He said the union is guided by the verse James 5:16 in the New Testament: "Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed. ..." Full Story:

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - Gathering 2/2, 5:30-8:30pm

The Washington Theological Consortium is hosting the 2011 PRAYER SERVICE FOR THE WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 3RD ANNUAL FIGEL ADDRESS CONSORTIUM ECUMENISM AWARD This Year Honoring: BISHOP THOMAS J. HOYT, JR. Past President of the National Council of Churches and Bishop of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church FEBRUARY 2, 2011 5:30 p.m. Howard University School of Divinity 1400 Shepherd Street NE Washington, DC 20017 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Reception to follow

Washington DC Area Youth Groups - CU Resources #23

Christ Centered Young People Mount Airy Baptist Church 1100 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20002 (202) 789-0640 First Friday of each month. The activities for youth in grades seven though twelve are designed to encourage an inquiry into Christian identity, an openness to deal with diversity, sharpening of academic and intellectual skills; to help youth explore their feelings and concerns about significant social issues; and encourage them to use their individual talents in programs and ministries that interest them in order to nurture their growth as people of faith while providing volunteer services to the community . Community Club New York Avenue Presbyterian Church 1313 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 393-3700 Every Thursday night at 6:45 p.m., Peter Marshall Hall comes alive with the energy of some 100 7th-12th grade students and their mentors (tutors), working on homework, longer-term school projects, and college applications Consistent meeting week after...