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Urban Hands Youth Week Aug. 7-13

"Come to UH if you want to know God, because you will see God reign in this trip!"
- 10th grade male

Urban Hands is an annual week-long camp for youth from different neighborhoods, schools, cultures, churches and denominations. Participants stay together at Washington Community Fellowship in NE. They spend their days acquainting themselves with ministry in the city and volunteering in all sorts of community service. Each morning and night, they gather to read scripture; reflect on God's love, justice and mercy; and pray on a life of discipleship to Christ.

This year, Urban Hands will be from August 7-13, and Care Company is requesting volunteer hours from the body of Christ to make it a success. To sign up, click here.

Most Needed Volunteer Positions:

1) Breakfast/Lunch Volunteers: (6:30-8:00 am) You would be responsible for setting out all of the breakfast food for breakfast starting and also preparing and packing all of the lunches for the youth to take to the service projects. "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."(2 Thess. 3:10) So then if they are working hard they should get some grub! Help keep the tired, hungry workers fed! You can help out once or every day.

2) Shower Drivers: (3:30-5:15 pm): We need driver volunteers to transport groups of youth to and from WCF and the pool where they will be showering. This requires that you have a car available to use. “For we are to God the aroma of Christ”(2 Cor. 2:15) and hopefully not an aroma of anything else! Help be the reason all the teens can get cleaned up before dinner. You can help out once or every day.

3) Evening games (8:30-10:15pm).Take the youth to play games at a nearby park (usually capture the flag or soccer) to get out any remaining energy before heading to bed!

Again, to volunteer for Urban Hands on any day from August 7-13, click here.

Last year's Urban Hands was a great success. Many thanks to the volunteers. Let our prayers be with the youth of the DC area this summer.


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